Mortgage DataBank Selection Criteria Available
Variables and Definitions
Our Mortgage Databank Variables are broken down into the following categories. Just click on a link to jump to the selected category. And please remember...If you are unsure about which variables make sense for your particular campaign, give us a call. We'll help you identify which variables will be relevent for the type of offer your are extending.
Household Elements
Estimated Age - Consists of age range information on the heads of household. This includes any available exact age information.
Oldest Age at Address - This gives the code for the range into which the oldest person at the address would fit.
Exact Age - An individual characteristic whereby the actual age of a household member is known.
Translated into the code for the age or range of ages into which the computation falls.
Date of Birth - The century, year, and month of birth [CCYYMM].
Month of Birth - Provides the month of birth for the person of record.
Estimated Income - This represents an estimate of total income (by thousands) for a living unit developed through a statistical model that incorporates census demographics, individual demographic data, and summarized credit statistics.
Median Income - Income is the total money income received by all family members 15 years old and over.
Median indicates that half of all families in the bracket have incomes larger than that value and half have incomes smaller than that value.
Gender - Gender is provided either from the data source or by comparing the first name to a gender table.
Marital Status - Code indicates whether the individual is married or single.
Household Composition - A code that looks at a combination of age, number of adults, gender, and presence of children (e.g., household with two or more adult females and children present).
Presence of Children - Indicates one or more children, 0-18 years of age, in the household.
Number of Children - The number of children ages 0-18 indicated to be in the household.
Credit Card - Indicator of a credit card in the household.
Ethnic Code - (Please Call to Order) Ethnic and religious surnames and, in some cases, first names.
Title - Code of the honorific by which the individual may be addressed to more accurately identify marital status, occupation, or military status.
Median Years in School - Median years of schooling for those 25 years and older.
Length of Residence - Code for the number of years a name has been present at a particular address. This is determined by the year the name first appeared at that address in the telephone source or, in the case of confirmed homeowners, the sale date.
Size of Family Dwelling Unit - A code to infer dwelling unit size based on the highest number of unique surname/phone number combinations that have been listed at this address.
Homeowner Type - Indicates homeowner or renter.
Estimated Home Value - Uses county, state, and national trends in home sale prices and assessed home values to determine property appreciation rates and current home values. Median Home Value can be used to supplement coverage.
Median Home Value - Home value determined by the census at the block group level, and updated each year with a proprietary algorithm.
Median indicates half of the homes in the bracket are valued above that value and half are lower.
Property Type - Whether residential or commercial property.
Address Type - A code that identifies the type of delivery.
Percent Black - Census percent of Blacks in a neighborhood. That is a percent probability based on census block group data.
Percent Hispanic - Census percent of Hispanics in a neighborhood. That is a percent probability based on census block group data.
Spanish Spoken at Home - Indicates the household is Spanish speaking.
Nielsen County Code - Classification of counties according to Census household counts and metropolitan proximity.
Mail Order Responder - Shows that one or more of the mail order buyer criteria is present.
Latitude - The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees north or south of the equator [-×××.××××××]
Longitude - The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees east or west of the the Greenwich meridian [-×××.××××××]
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Dwelling / Neighborhood Selects
Length of Residence - Code for the number of years a name has been present at a particular address. This is determined by the year the name first appeared at that address in the telephone source or, in the case of confirmed homeowners, the sale date.
Size of Family Dwelling Unit - A code to infer dwelling unit size based on the highest number of unique surname/phone number combinations that have been listed at this address.
Homeowner Type - Indicates homeowner or renter.
Estimated Home Value - Uses county state, and national trends in home sale prices and assessed home values to determine property appreciation rates and current home values. Median Home Value can be used to supplement coverage.
Median Home Value - Home value determined by the census at the block group level, and updated each year with a proprietary algorithm. Median indicates half of the homes in the bracket are valued above that value and half are lower.
Property Type - Type of residential or commercial property.
Address Type A code that identifies the type of delivery.
Percent Black - Census percent of Blacks in a neighborhood. That is a percent probability based on census block group data.
Percent Hispanic - Census percent of Hispanics in a neighborhood. That is a percent probability based on census block group data.
Nielsen County Code - Classification of counties according to Census household counts and metropolitan proximity.
Latitude - The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees north or south of the equator [-×××.××××××]
Longitude - The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees east or west of the the Greenwich meridian [-×××.××××××]
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Ethnic / Behavior Selects
Ethnic Code - (Please Call to Order) Ethnicity based on surnames.
Premium Ethnic Code - (Please Call to Order) Ethnicity based on surname, first name, and geographic region.
Religion Code - (Please Call to Order) Religion based on surname, first name, and geographic region.
Language Preference - (Please Call to Order) Language Preference based on surname, first name, and geographic region.
Country of Origin - (Please Call to Order) Ethnicity based on surname, first name, and geographic region.
Mail Order Buyer - Purchased in response to mailed offer
Mail Order Donor - Made donation in response to mailed offer
Mail Order Responder - Responded to mailed offer
Occupation - Code identifies the job function of an individual in the household by category.
Occupation Type - A grouping of the occupations by type of work done.
Super Niches - Code identifies groups within the United States, based on consumer behavior, lifestyles, and attributes.
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Children / Presence of Children Selects
Child Male 0-2 - Indicates if male children within the age group 0 - 2 are present in the living unit.
Child Female 0-2 - Indicates if female children within the age group 0 -2 are present in the living unit.
Child Male 3-5 - Indicates if male children within the age group 3 - 5 are present in the living unit.
Child Female 3-5 - Indicates if female children within the age group 3 -5 are present in the living unit.
Child Male 6-10 - Indicates if male children within the age group 6 - 10 are present in the living unit.
Child Female 6-10 - Indicates if female children within the age group 6 - 10 are present in the living unit.
Child Male 11-15 - Indicates if male children within the age group 11 - 15 are present in the living unit.
Child Female 11-15 - Indicates if female children within the age group 11 - 15 are present in the living unit.
Child Male 16-17 - Indicates if male children within the age group 16-17 are present in the living unit.
Child Female 16-17 - Indicates if female children within the age group 16-17 are present in the living unit.
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Credit Card Usage
Retail Credit Card - The person has one or more credit cards issued by a retailer.
Bank Credit Card - The person has one or more credit cards issued by a bank.
Travel Credit Card - The person has one or more credit cards issued by a travel and entertainment purveyor.
Gas Credit Card - The person has one or more credit cards issued by a gasoline company.
Premium Card - Indicates the person has a premium credit card.
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Home Sale Amount - Code representing a range of most recent selling prices, as recorded on the deed at the county courthouse and/or the county tax rolls.
Mortgage Loan Type - Loan Type Code
Mortgage Loan Amount - Code representing a range of Loan (Mortgage) Amounts
Adjustable Interest Rate - The loan is an adjustable interest rate mortgage (ARM).
Mortgage Interest Rate - Code representing a range of Mortgage Interest Rates
Term of Mortgage - Mortgage Term in months
Mortgage Loan to Value - The ratio is the quotient of the loan amount divided by the sales price.
Lender Name Present - (Requires Marketing Piece ID) There is a lender name on the record.
Subprime Lender - This record is for a subprime lender. Subprime lenders are lenders who are willing to make a loan with added risk in exchange for higher interest rates.
Lender Decile - The comparative ranking of rates a lender charges, with relation to the rates offered by other lenders. Deciles are denoted 0 through 9, with 9 offering the highest rates, and 0 the lowest.
Mortgage Credit Line Information - Code describes certain types of mortgages.
Mortgage Estimated Equity - Estimate of equity the homeowner has in mortgaged home.
Mortgage Estimated Monthly Payment - Estimated Monthly Mortgage Payment
Home Purchase Type - Indicates whether the house is newly built or an older house resold.
First Mortgage Only - Identifies records for which there is only a first mortgage.
Refinance - The transaction is a refinance of the mortgage.
Second Mortgage - The loan is for a second mortgage on the property.
Construction Loan - A construction loan deed of trust or mortgage is on the record.
Lender Type - Mortgage Lender Type
Estimated Loan Balance - Estimate of monies yet to be paid on a mortgage.
Year Home Built - Code Identifies the approximate age of the house.
Year Home Built - The century and year construction was completed on the house [CCYY].
Purchase Date - The century, year, and month when the grant deed was recorded [CCYYMM].
Refinance Date - The century, year, and month when refinancing was recorded [CCYYMM].
2nd Mortgage Date - The century, year, and month when the second mortgage was recorded [CCYYMM].
Credit Line Date - The century, year, and month the credit line was recorded [CCYYMM].
Swimming pool - The respondent has a swimming pool.
Central Air Conditioning - The respondent has a central air conditioner.
Home Land Value - Identifies the approximate assessed valuation of the land on which the home is built.
Home Improvement Value - Identifies the approximate value of the improvements which have been made to the home.
Home Assessed Value - Identifies the approximate assessed valuation of the home.
Home Taxes Paid - Estimated current annual taxes on the home.
Land Square Feet - Estimated size in square feet of the land on which the home is built.
Home Square Feet - Estimated size of the home in square feet.
Home Stories - The number of stories in the house.
Home Rooms - The number of rooms in the house.
Home Bedrooms - The number of bedrooms in the house.
Home Baths - The number of bathrooms in the house.
Home Fireplaces - The number of fireplaces in the house.
Home Floor Type - Identifies the predominant type of flooring in the home.
Home Heating Type - Identifies the predominant type of heating in the home.
Home Exterior Wall Type - The predominant type of material used in the exterior walls of the home.
Mortgage Sale Price -
The most recent selling price of the home, as recorded on the deed at the county courthouse and/or the county tax rolls [in thousands ××××] (Requires Marketing Piece sample).
Mortgage Loan Amount -
Loan (Mortgage) Amount: [in thousands ××××] (Requires Marketing Piece sample).
Mortgage Interest Rate -
Mortgage Interest Rate: [××.××××] (Requires Marketing Piece Sample).
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List Quality Settings
ZIP+4 Addressed Leads - Records with a USPS ZIP+4 code assigned are more deliverable than those without ZIP+4.
DSF/DPV Exact Addresses - Addresses matched USPS DSF or DPV file(s).
DSF/DPV MFDU Addresses - (Missing/Invalid Apt #'s) USPS DSF or DPV matched multi-family addresses with missing or invalid apartment numbers.
Non-Deliverable Leads - Our system automatically defaults to omit this item. Note...
Phone directories may list individuals without listing their addresses.
Such records are valid for telemarketing, but would not be useful for mailing.
Do Not Mail Leads - Our system defaults to omit this item.
Omits any records flagged as "Do Not Mail."
The DMA maintains a file of individuals who do not want to receive advertising mail or catalogues.
Names Not Recently Validated - (15 months) Names that have not been verified at that address within the past 15 months.
System defaults omit these names.
MFDU Addresses - Omit apartments.
MFDU Addresses - (Missing/Invalid Apt #'s) Addresses may be selected / omitted / output with a ZIP+4 that matches the apartment building default ZIP+4.
Indicates apartment numbers are missing.
PO Box Addresses - The address is deliverable.
However, the associated names are not found to be very reliable.
PO Box Addresses Without Phones - Such a record would be somewhat useful for mailings only.
Single Sourced (No Phone) Leads - Records appearing on only one source among various mortgage and consumer lists may be Selected / Omitted / Output.
Phone Number - Records may be selected or omitted or for output only. Checking the "Output" box for output only gives phones where available.
IF you output phones, you must provide a SAN number.
NOTE: Records with phones identified as FTC, state, or DMA "Do Not Call" records will be omitted by default.
Timing considerations mean no guarantee that all such records have been removed is possible. It is the customer's responsibility to suppress any "Do Not Call" phone numbers, as well as any TCPA phones before calling.
Phones on FTC
Do-Not-Call List - If you choose "Output" for "phone Number," check this if you want to include phone numbers listed on the FTC Do-Not-Call list.
Phones on Any State Do-Not-Call List - If you choose "Output" for "phone Number," check this if you want to include phone numbers listed on any state Do-Not-Call list.
NOTE: A phone number may be both on a state DNC list and also on the FTC DNC list.
Phones on DMA or a Private DNC List If you choose "Output" for "phone Number," check this to include phone numbers listed on the DMA Do-Not-Call list or on other private DNC lists.
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