Reverse Mortgage Mailing Lists
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Reverse Mortgage Mailing Lists


A Popular Choice Among Older Homeowners, Reverse Mortgage Prospecting
Can Open A New Avenue Of Income For Your Mortgage Business.

DietrichDirect Can Help You Find Them.

All reverse mortgages share a set of common criteria:
  • Prospects must be at least 62 years old and own a home. (Note: There are some conventional reverse mortgages that have differing age requirements.) DietrichDirect can pinpoint homeowners with this age profile in our Mortgage Databank.
  • Prospects must also have sufficient home equity to qualify. Again, DietrichDirect's Mortgage Databank has Loan-To-Value (LTV) statistics for each homeowner.
  • Eligible property types include single family homes, 2-4 unit properties, townhomes, higher value manufactured housing, and condominiums.
  • While there is no minimum income or credit score requirement for Reverse Mortgage programs, we can also add these criteria should you need them to increase your chances of qualifying the consumer and closing the loan.
  • Additionally, the value of the property is an important factor in determining how much the consumer can withdraw against their loan agreement. Again, we can identify properties based on market value so that you can focus on higher potential loans. Reverse Mortgage growth has been rapid. Let DietrichDirect develop a targeted list of these prospects for you today!

Great Service is FREE! When You Print & Mail With Us, the List is FREE!

DietrichDirect prides itself on great service and great quality at the best price possible. We've have over 15 years experience in virtually every aspect of the direct marketing, business communications and list industries, and we simply believe we can do it better than our competitors. That is our goal...everyday...to be better than the rest.

So when you engage us, we don't want you to be merely satisfied...we want you to be delighted! Delighted with the quality. Delighted with the service. Delighted with the results.

Call Us Today!

For Reverse Mortgage Prospect Counts, Chat with Us or Use The Form Below and A Helpful Mortgage List Advisor Will Contact You Immediately.

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