Mailing Lists By Zipcode
Mailing Lists By Zip Code
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How to Order a Residential Maiing List
Mailing Lists By Zip Code


Are You Looking to Target Households with a Mailing List By Zipcode?

Our Residential Databank is What You Need.

Target Neighborhoods. Target By Zip Code. Target By Street or Carrier Route.

We Guarantee The Lowest Pricing And We Guarantee the Most Precise Selection Capabilities Around.

Official Updates Monthly from the USPS - Guaranteed Accuracy.

Residential Mailing Lists By Zip Code from DietrichDirect.

Guaranteed Delivery. Guaranteed Lowest Pricing. Guaranteed Maximum Postage Discounts!

Residential Mailing Lists By Zip Code- Defined.
DietrichDirect's database goes by many names in the mailing list and direct marketing industry. Also known as a Saturation List, Res/Occ, Walk Sequence list, or Carrier Route list, this database is ideal for targeting customers where geography is among the most important parameters.

With DietrichDirect you can target by virtually any geography imaginable. In the case of your particular search parameter - Mailing Lists By Zip Code, this is easily accomplished. Often though our clients start out targeting zip codes, but find that they are better served by targeting at other smaller levels of geography.

If you start with targeting by zip code, and end up with a more refined geography, it's no problem. Our unique and proprietary list creation applications allow us to pull records down to the street level. This means that you don't waste money on printing and postage because you only get the records that precisely fit your criteria.

  • If you want to target a specific neighborhood, we can do it.
  • If you're looking for a specific building, we can do it.
  • By Zip Code
  • By Carrier Routes
  • Zip+4s
  • Radii
  • Congressional / Local District Boundries (perfect for election campaign efforts!)
  • Census Tracts - Click on link for more information about Census Tract Mapping
  • Even your own polygons (such as "stay east of this street, south of this street, north of this street etc")

Other's list companies will say they can do it, but after hanging up the phone with you, they usually phone us to outsource the creation of these types of lists. So why not cut out the broker, and save time and money with us.

Ok, so what about other selections? Are there demographics available?
Yes! Not only can you precisely target by ANY geography, our Residential Databank also has a wealth of demographics available to aid in your selection of only the best prospects. These demographics are taken from the individual households within any given carrier route and then aggregated/summarized up to the carrier route level. So demographics like income, home value, age and others actually describe the route as a whole.

Because these are aggregated statistics that describe a cluster of households, there's no guarantee that all households in the route would possess a particular demographic parameter. But... these demographics are still very helpful in helping you include or exclude specific carrier routes.

One other powerful advantage of using DietrichDirect's residential mailing list is that we can append names to the file where available. Most other list companies can't - they simply offer the address record, with very limited selection capabilities.

Here's what is available on DietrichDirect's Resident Databank:
Demographics - Income, Median Home Value, Average Age, Population, Average Household Size, Percentage of households with Children, Percentage who own Home, Percentage who rent, Years of Education, Health Interest Index DIY Index, Travel Index and more.
Dwelling Type - Single Family, Multi-Family (Apartments), Mobile Homes/Trailers, PO Boxes, Seasonal Addresses, Businesses, and whether or not it's new construction.

Here's what is available to you when you order your Mailing List By Zip Code from us:
Your list order can be output in several ways. The most popular is in an Excel format.

Here's an example of what this data looks like when we send it to you - Residential Mailing List Sample in Excel - OR if you order the list in a label format - Residential Mailing List Sample in MS Word Label Format.

So when you construct your mailing label, the address may look like this:

Current Resident
123 Main St
Anytown, US 99999-1234

However... we can also output NAMES where available as well for an additional $5 per thousand records. Thus your label would look like this:

John Q Smith
Or Current Resident
123 Main St
Anytown, US 99999-1234

Finally, we can send you list order to you in Excel of course, but also as an MS Word document that is formatted for labels (usually 3 across Avery style labels). The additional cost for this option is only $10.

Ok...So what's the #1 reason why our residential mailing list database is so attractive?

Put simply, it's cheap - yet powerful.

It's cheap in two ways. First the cost of the list itself. DietrichDirect guarantees the lowest price on this type of list. If you find a lower price for the same list and parameter selections, we'll beat it by 15% - guaranteed. Besides our lowest price guarantee, this list is a lot less expensive than a consumer based based - which is usually derived from household specific demographics. So again if you're business is built around a geographical trade areas instead of household specific demographics (such as presence of children ages 5-12) then this list deserves consideration. As always, we encourage you to discuss your goals and business with one of our helpful list consultants.

The other way - perhaps the most important way - in which this list will save you money is that this list is maintained in what is known as a "walk sequence order." Walk sequence order is the same order in which the postal carrier delivers their route. So you're saving the USPS time and effort. Because of this, submitting this type of list on a mailing such as a postcard to the USPS can save you a lot of money in postage.

If you're sending this list off to a printing or mailing house, they should know how to handle this type of list to ensure you pay the least in postage - in most cases 4 to 5 cents each record! Along with the list order data file itself, you'll get the official USPS CASS certification, and you'll get other reports that are used by the USPS with this type of data. If you're using this list to mail your own mailing, then let us know and we'll help you save the most amount of money in postage. We provide all of this advice FREE OF CHARGE, because we want you to save money and be successful.

The USPS offers its postage discounts based on the number of pieces mailed in each postal carrier route or neighborhood.

A carrier route is simply the grouping of addresses that a postal carrier delivers to every day. To qualify for the lowest rates (known as the Walk Sequence Saturation Rate), you must mail to at least 90% of the active residential addresses or at least 75% of the total number of residential and business addresses in each carrier route receiving your mail. Another low rate is known as the High Density Rate. This has it's own set of qualifications, but the point is that this file enables you to qualify for these low rates.

Our file offers this ability to maximize your postal savings.

Here's an example of what this data looks like when we send it to you - Residential Mailing List Sample.

We also have powerful mapping tools so you can see visually the exact areas your mailing list comprises. It's little wonder why we're the most popular site for FREE carrier route maps on the internet.

    • We can show you the individual carrier routes that make up your list!
    • This is an invaluable tool to ensure you know exactly where you're mailing to.
    • Most of our mapping services are FREE.
    • See our page on Carrier Route Maps and Radius Mapping!

If You Need Help Deciding Whether A Our Resident Databank
Or Our ConsumerVision File Is The Right List For You, Then
Visit Our Resident vs. Consumer Help Page Here.

Our Current Resident Databank Specials - As of Today,

*Winter 2025 Specials - Get 1000 Resident Databank Address Records for Only $25 Flat
5,000 Records are Only $99
$125 - Our Best Value - Gets You 15,000

Want The List For Free?
Just Order Any of Our Print & Mailing Services Programs
From Our Website (At Least 1000 Records) and We'll Include the List for FREE...
No Kidding.

Ask Us To Help You Determine Your Best Options.

Call us. Email us. Chat with us. Or fill out the form below.

Phone: 888.453.5497
Email: listadvisors@dietrich-direct.com
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