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Mailing List Company!


At Only $7.50 Per Thousand Records, Building A Residential Mailing List With DietrichDirect
Is As Close To Free As You'll Get!

And With Minimum Order As Low As $25, You Can Put Your Message In Front Of Your Audience Today!

Guaranteed Delivery. Guaranteed Lowest Pricing. Guaranteed Maximum Postage Discounts!

There You Have It..."Almost Free Homeowner Mailing Lists" From DietrichDirect.

DietrichDirect's Resident Databank reaches virtually every deliverable household in the U.S. at the lowest postage rates possible! Our file is maintained in "Walk-Sequence" order for maximum discounts (see the bottom of the page for more information about Walk-Sequence Rates).

That's right...our Resident Databank contains over 135 Million households and has the following features that make it the best residential address database on the market today!

  • Selectability at virtually any level of geography for maximum flexibility and precise coverage!
    • State
    • County
    • Zip Code
    • Carrier Routes
    • Zip+4s
    • Radii
    • Congressional / Local District Boundries (perfect for election campaign efforts!)
    • Census Tracts - Click on link for more information about Census Tract Mapping
    • Even your own polygons, zones or trade areas!

  • Also selectable at the dwelling unit level
    • Single Family Homes
    • Apartments (either High-Rise OR Garden Apartments!). See our page that reveals how we can precisely identify any apartment building you may wish to target! Click Apartment Mailing Lists.
    • Mobile Homes
    • PO Boxes
    • Seasonal Addresses

  • Powerful online mapping tools for zone and trade area development (coming online soon...but we have the mapping services internally...call us for details!)
    • The most accurate carrier route polygons in the market today!
    • Plot your location(s) and see the visual space of routes and counts
    • Create a prospect list with our drawing tools and export features
    • See our page on Carrier Route Maps and Radius Mapping!

  • Rich demographic overlays allow you to precisely target your audience according to a variety of variables while still maintaining Walk-Sequence discounts!

    • Route Median Income
    • Route Median home value
    • Route Avg Age
    • Route % HHs with children
    • Route % that own home
    • and more!

  • Full names of the Head of Household for added personalization!
    • We can append the names to the address where available. DietrichDirect currently has approximately 70% coverage across any typical route.
    • And because the file is maintained in Walk-Sequence order even with names added, you're assured the lowest postage rates possible when mailing.

  • We are also exceptionally well-equipped with services and application tools that are tailored to those with multiple locations and ongoing needs (such as franchises, franchises with territory/zone assignments, and other companies that mail resident/saturation on a regular basis).

  • A wide variety of delivery and output options for your convenience.

  • Finally...We've got great prices! Check out our Resident Databank Rate Card and see for yourself. Volume discounts available. Call for details.

If You Need Help Deciding Whether A Our Resident Databank
Or Our ConsumerVision File Is The Right List For You, Then
Visit Our Resident vs. Consumer Help Page Here.

Beware! There are many list companies out there that are essentially just "internet businesses"... because mailing lists are easy to sell in an online environment...and web pages simple to build.

...But they may know little or nothing about the other aspects of direct mail marketing - the strategy, the creative, the execution, and the timing...the whole of the approach.

DietrichDirect...A Direct Marketing Agency
Behind Every List We Sell!

DietrichDirect is not an internet business. We are a Direct Marketing Agency
. We sell lists because they are inextricably tied the other aspects of the direct marketing process. In order for us to make our clients successful, we partner with, and "hand pick" the very best lists the industry offers. So, even if you order just lists from us, you benefit from our experience and multi-dimensional approach.

But beyond all of the experience and knowledge we bring to bear, our service is what sets us apart.

Great Service is FREE!

DietrichDirect prides itself on great service and great quality at the best price possible. We have over 15 years experience in virtually every aspect of the direct marketing, business communications and list industries, and we simply believe we can do it better than our competitors. That is our goal...everyday...to be better than the rest.

So when you engage us, we don't want you to be merely satisfied...we want you to be delighted! Delighted with the quality. Delighted with the service. Delighted with the results.

Looking for a Resident List? Not Sure Which List is Right For You?

Call Us Today and Speak With Our Helpful List Advisors!


For Resident Databank Counts You Must Call Us Or Use The Form Below.
A Helpful List Advisor Will Contact You Immediately.

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